Friday, January 22, 2010

Natural Casing Company Which Would You Rather Have? Public Option Or Run The Insurance Companies Like Utility Companies?

Which would you rather have? Public Option or Run the Insurance companies like Utility Companies? - natural casing company

Public Choice Creasta non-profit, competing with insurance companies, which are nonprofit.

If anyone here is a program that knows how electricity is a natural monopoly, and the government, the government sets the prices for the company.


chipotle said...

both cases, the govt control of health

I tell the public option for the millions of people with low incomes and can afford medical care

wj said...

A kind of shame-option creates a non-profit to create a government controlled by the other system. Or if you have created with public funds, an economic advantage over conventional non-profit and profit companies.

Michigan utilities were partially liberalized, you can now have multiple suppliers.

In answer to your question. I like to make all insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid to bankrupt. Companies that currently insurance for their employees the money they paid in the past for the traditional catastrophic care insurance (emergency) plans to save, which are much cheaper than the health care plans today, the rest is tax free to pay medical accounts and balances to Dr . directly.

The same applies to the funds of insurance is in progress.

People who are independent or permits employers who are not do not include health care, purchasing a catastrophic health insurance with pre-tax dollars and can save money without tax for medical SavinGS-accounts that can grow in recent years, so that they can reduce their catastrophic medical expenses) (deductible.

Like most of the payments to Mr. now directly without intermediaries has been significantly reduced. Cost of the benefits and results of procedures performed in hospitals and clinics, RD, to enable them to choose the providers with the best record for the lowest price.

No government bureaucrats are not the only insurance companies refuse to cover you and your doctor

♥Down Btch♥ said...

is not really important to be honest.

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