Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mexican Hair Wax I Have Some Questions About Facial Hair Waxing...?

I have some questions about facial hair waxing...? - mexican hair wax

I managed not available, but it was a while ago. But I wonder how long will they last? Is it good to once a month (I'm Italian and Mexico, so I have slight facial hair problem ...)?

There is also a myth that is wrinkled upper lip after waxing a lot? Because I'm bad mustache, ha, ha Is it a myth that thinner starts pushing for a while?

And what's better, threading or waxing?


tasha h said...

He rejects an anticoagulant is much more than you waxed. What I said when I was that the bikini area about 1 / 3 Hair does not grow again after the first, then less and less thereafter.
Once they no longer reject completely.

And once a month, a good education should be .. or if the hair is growing very rapidly, once every two weeks.

I do not think you will get wrinkles lips .. jeje .. but I do not know.

Alyssa said...

A wax will be a week or two, if you do maintenance, tore the new growth markets in well-shaped eyebrows last time maintaining them.

I do not get wrinkled lip, but it is a myth, that hair is growing thin after a while. I know girls who shave, because it is faster and less painful than waxing or plucking.

Judy said...

may take until the (Eperience / c) 1 or 1.5 months without re-Growin ... If you are still regularly Waxin ... Upper lip and no wrinkles Ure not ...

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